Acronis Backup Advanced Workstation: Subscription Renewal - 3 years license

Kod produktu: PCAAHILOS21
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  • Przelew tradycyjny na nasze konto bankowe - płatności dokonuje się po złożeniu zamówienia.
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Opis produktu
Acronis Backup Advanced Workstation. Subscription Renewal - 3 years license. Acronis Backup 12.5 is an advanced hybrid backup solution. It is an easy and fast backup solution, protecting all your data on 21 platforms, located on-premises, in remote systems, in private and public clouds, and on mobile devices. With Active Protection from ransomware, enhanced backup validation, and blockchain-based authentication of your backups with Acronis Notary, Acronis Backup 12.5 is a reliable backup solution. Acronis Backup is available in two editions: Acronis Backup 12.5 Standard and Acronis Backup 12.5 Advanced. Acronis Backup 12.5 Advanced Workstation provides a more advanced image and file backup and recovery of entire Windows PCs, tablets, and Macs. It includes all the features of the Standard Edition, plus more.
  • Opis:
    Acronis Backup Advanced Workstation. Subscription Renewal - 3 years license. Acronis Backup 12.5 is an advanced hybrid backup solution. It is an easy and fast backup solution, protecting all your data on 21 platforms, located on-premises, in remote systems, in private and public clouds, and on mobile devices. With Active Protection from ransomware, enhanced backup validation, and blockchain-based authentication of your backups with Acronis Notary, Acronis Backup 12.5 is a reliable backup solution. Acronis Backup is available in two editions: Acronis Backup 12.5 Standard and Acronis Backup 12.5 Advanced. Acronis Backup 12.5 Advanced Workstation provides a more advanced image and file backup and recovery of entire Windows PCs, tablets, and Macs. It includes all the features of the Standard Edition, plus more.
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